Map of Maps

british_library_mapsA post today on the interesting Free Geography Tools blog provides a summary of some of the great digitized historical map collections.  For example, the British Library has a large scanned maps collection, and an oddly anachronistic feature:  London: A Life in Maps featuring red google pushpins identifying the point of focus of various antique maps and prints  of London.

leo_belgicusAnother interesting British Library holding is the Christofel Beudecker collection of Dutch maps, purchased by the ritish Museum in 1861.

An example is this charming Leo Belgicus which reminds us that maps were fun even back then.

New York Times on GIS Jobs Growth

Link to the article:  Technology Reveals New Worlds to Map

A New York Times article by Barbara Whitaker today highlights the growth of private sector GIS (geographic information systems) jobs.

“Many jobs are with the government, but technological advances have also helped drive private-sector jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics  lists G.I.S.-related jobs as among the fastest-growing new or emerging fields. More companies see the value of G.I.S. services, and there are not enough people to fill all the available jobs, said Richard Serby, a founder of GeoSearch, which recruits people for jobs in mapping sciences.”